In our Animation Studio, kids (and adults!) have a blast learning the basic skills of stop motion animation, first by creating their own clay characters and then bringing them to life on screen. All the materials needed to create an original animated film are provided by our trained staff…the only thing you need to bring […]

In our Animation Studio, kids (and adults!) have a blast learning the basic skills of stop motion animation, first by creating their own clay characters and then bringing them to life on screen. All the materials needed to create an original animated film are provided by our trained staff…the only thing you need to bring is your imagination!

Visitors are encouraged to spend as long as they want experimenting with different techniques to create their movie. When finished, your animation can be saved and emailed to you to share with family, friends, and perhaps even the Oscar committee!

Click here for museum admission information and to plan your visit. Interested in developing your animation skills all year long? Become a member to enjoy unlimited, year-round access to our Animation Studio for your family.

Find us on Facebook or Instagram @CreativityKids.